History of Jásztelek
Kuli Zsófia 2006.05.02. 20:30
For non-Hungarian visitors...
Jásztelek is situated in the middle of the Jászság area, in the neighborhood of the Zagyva and Tarna confluence, on the left bank of the Zagyva, and on both sides of the road 32 leading to Szolnok.
The name of the village was first mentioned in the warrant of János Hunyadi dated 1449. Its first name was Mihálytelek. Later it was called Mihálytelek, Jász-Mihálytelek and Jásztelek.
According to tradition, the village was originally situated at Fugedhalma, but in the years of turkish occupation a man called Mihály Bak led his sheep next to the Zagyva because of water femine, and he founded the village there.
The village wasn’t favoured by history. It was involved in the war of independence led by Ferenc Rákóczi II., and fought in the Hungarian War of Independence during 1848-49.
There was a battle field during the First and the Second World War, too. A lot of people devoted their lives to death.
The village life is based on agriculture. The inhabitants always were engaged with agriculture and animal farming. They raised wheat, barley, corn and oat. There were a few grape lands, too. They kept cattle, horses, sheep, goats and pigs.
Industry wasn’t significant, nor is today.
In 1993 excavations started near the village, where Mesolothic hunting campsite and chipped stone were found.